1LDK + JK Ikinari Doukyo Micchaku Hatsu Ecchi 4
A week has passed since Misaki Akane and Hasama Ken started living together after the landlord made a mistake in the contract. Unlike at first, Akane now feels a sense of security when she comes home to find Hasama in her room. That day, the landlord comes to visit and tells her that, as planned, they will be able to move to a new apartment in a week. As Akane soaks in the bathtub, realizing that she can return to a normal life, she feels a vague sense of unease as she remembers her days living together with Hasama. Then, on their last night together in the same futon, Akane makes a bold move.
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Gobaku: Moe Mama Tsurezure 1
She’s always been like a second mom to me… but as I’ve gotten older I can’t help but notice how cute she is…
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Konomi ja Nai kedo: Mukatsuku Ane to Aishou Batsugun Ecchi 2
On their first night together while their parents are away on a trip, they start fighting due to the tension of being alone together. He starts to get turned on by the way shes moving and in an attempt to get away, one thing leads to another…
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